Real estate agents, whether newly certified or highly, experienced agents, all serve the same goal. Be as successful as you are capable of being. Achieving this goal means maintaining a stable clientele base and increasing the revenue they generate yearly. All while still having the time to relax and truly enjoy time with themselves and their families. Every decision they make involving their career is centered around achieving this goal. This is why Keller Williams’s recruiting is so effective. So what is your real estate recruiting missing?
Now, in the real estate industry, there are many paths you can take. You can work alone or work on a real estate team. Both options give the flexibility to work for a large brokerage or be affiliated with a small local brokerage. Every person is different and must consider their personality and expectations from a work environment. Large brokerages, businesses such as Keller Williams, are nationwide. This one, in particular, has a training program that inspires other brokerages nationwide. Thanks to Keller Williams’s recruiting tactics, every agent nationwide is being educated about this training program.
Keller Williams Recruiting on Real Estate Teams
Keller Williams is the world’s largest real estate franchise by sales volume and agent count. They serve the citizens of the United States, Canada, and beyond. They are constantly striving to improve upon the services they offer to home buyers, sellers, and real estate agents worldwide. The company’s mission statement is as follows. “To build careers worth having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living, experiences worth giving, and legacies worth leaving.” This statement expresses the core values and goals Keller Williams has for itself as a massive (and highly successful) brokerage. This represents the core values and plans the brokerage has for all of the agents that are associated with them. If you want to be a real estate recruiter, you want to hit on these items that showcase your brand.
Being part of a real estate team associated with success under a goal-driven corporation offers countless benefits. It allows agents to grow as real estate agents. They are simultaneously enjoying their work even more than they currently do. Real estate teams, by nature, offer a specific range of advantages. So Keller Williams agents will enhance those advantages. Take just a few of the most appealing benefits you offer. Begin to paint the picture of how your recruits work and their home life could be positively impacted.

Stability of Income For Real Estate Agents
A daunting challenge many agents face: Income Stability. They are facing the fact that their income will fluctuate heavily depending on how much business they can bring in each month. This can be extremely difficult to handle. Especially if agents have a family who depends on their income; or even if they are living alone and need to be able to pay monthly rent and utility bills. Monetary uncertainty becomes a recurring feeling on a month-to-month basis. Real estate agents’ income instability also affects investment and savings funds for their family’s future. Typically, what will occur, is overspending in the good months to compensate for the limited funds available in bad months. This vicious cycle can easily lead to stress, high anxiety, and many other problems no one wants to deal with.
Real estate teams have a few different qualities that lead to a more stable income than working alone. Real estate agents know that constantly securing new leads is vital to success. Leads mean a profitable real estate agent. Keller Williams emphasizes that joining a real estate team gives access to new leads. Leads significantly increase an agent’s chances of successfully landing a client. This makes income more consistent with the leads they are supplied with. Agents may be required to split their commission with a team leader. This is mainly seen if the agent is new or inexperienced. However, the potential business agents are given access to may be worth the price paid. The commission they split also comes with access to valuable training. Including experienced agents and a support system that many agents are grateful for.
Stability of Income For Real Estate Agents
A daunting challenge many agents face: Income Stability. They are facing the fact that their income will fluctuate heavily depending on how much business they can bring in each month. This can be extremely difficult to handle. Especially if agents have a family who depends on their income; or even if they are living alone and need to be able to pay monthly rent and utility bills. Monetary uncertainty becomes a recurring feeling on a month-to-month basis. Real estate agents’ income instability also affects investment and savings funds for their family’s future. Typically, what will occur, is overspending in the good months to compensate for the limited funds available in bad months. This vicious cycle can easily lead to stress, high anxiety, and many other problems no one wants to deal with.
Real estate teams have a few different qualities that lead to a more stable income than working alone. Real estate agents know that constantly securing new leads is vital to success. Leads mean a profitable real estate agent. Keller Williams emphasizes that joining a real estate team gives access to new leads. Leads significantly increase an agent’s chances of successfully landing a client. This makes income more consistent with the leads they are supplied with. Agents may be required to split their commission with a team leader. This is mainly seen if the agent is new or inexperienced. However, the potential business agents are given access to may be worth the price paid. The commission they split also comes with access to valuable training. Including experienced agents and a support system that many agents are grateful for.
Stability of Income For Real Estate Agents
A daunting challenge many agents face: Income Stability. They are facing the fact that their income will fluctuate heavily depending on how much business they can bring in each month. This can be extremely difficult to handle. Especially if agents have a family who depends on their income; or even if they are living alone and need to be able to pay monthly rent and utility bills. Monetary uncertainty becomes a recurring feeling on a month-to-month basis. Real estate agents’ income instability also affects investment and savings funds for their family’s future. Typically, what will occur, is overspending in the good months to compensate for the limited funds available in bad months. This vicious cycle can easily lead to stress, high anxiety, and many other problems no one wants to deal with.

Real estate teams have a few different qualities that lead to a more stable income than working alone. Real estate agents know that constantly securing new leads is vital to success. Leads mean a profitable real estate agent. Keller Williams emphasizes that joining a real estate team gives access to new leads. Leads significantly increase an agent’s chances of successfully landing a client. This makes income more consistent with the leads they are supplied with. Agents may be required to split their commission with a team leader. This is mainly seen if the agent is new or inexperienced. However, the potential business agents are given access to may be worth the price paid. The commission they split also comes with access to valuable training. Including experienced agents and a support system that many agents are grateful for.
Every individual that works for the corporation is significant and adds value to the company. During Keller Williams recruiting, they pinpoint their community outreach with KW Cares. This charity supports KW families through unexpected hardships. They also have a robust wellness program in place to promote the fitness and health of their associates. Keller Williams’ recruiting website promotes the value of community service. There is a designated “Red Day” every year. Associates take the day to volunteer in the community. They work to improve the place in which they live and work. These are only a few aspects that contribute to the brokerage culture. Their focus is on creating a sense of family. They do this while also maintaining an environment in which associates can endlessly grow and contribute.
Everyone who works for the corporation is significant and adds value to the company. They pinpointed their community outreach with KW Cares during Keller Williams’s recruiting. This charity supports KW families through unexpected hardships. They also have a robust wellness program to promote their associates’ fitness and health. Keller Williams’ recruiting website fosters the value of community service. There is a designated “Red Day” every year. On a red day, Associates take the day to volunteer in the community. They work to improve the place in which they live and work. These are only a few aspects that contribute to the brokerage culture. Their focus is on creating a sense of family. They do this while maintaining an environment where associates can grow and contribute.
Stability of Income For Real Estate Agents
A daunting challenge many agents face: Income Stability. They are facing the fact that their income will fluctuate heavily depending on how much business they can bring in each month. This can be extremely difficult to handle. Especially if agents have a family who depends on their income; or even if they are living alone and need to be able to pay monthly rent and utility bills. Monetary uncertainty becomes a recurring feeling on a month-to-month basis. Real estate agents’ income instability also affects investment and savings funds for their family’s future. Typically, what will occur, is overspending in the good months to compensate for the limited funds available in bad months. This vicious cycle can easily lead to stress, high anxiety, and many other problems no one wants to deal with.
Real estate teams have a few different qualities that lead to a more stable income than working alone. Real estate agents know that constantly securing new leads is vital to success. Leads mean a profitable real estate agent. Keller Williams emphasizes that joining a real estate team gives access to new leads. Leads significantly increase an agent’s chances of successfully landing a client. This makes income more consistent with the leads they are supplied with. Agents may be required to split their commission with a team leader. This is mainly seen if the agent is new or inexperienced. However, the potential business agents are given access to may be worth the price paid. The commission they split also comes with access to valuable training. Including experienced agents and a support system that many agents are grateful for.

Everyone who works for the corporation is significant and adds value to the company. They pinpointed their community outreach with KW Cares during Keller Williams’s recruiting. This charity supports KW families through unexpected hardships. They also have a robust wellness program to promote their associates’ fitness and health. Keller Williams’ recruiting website fosters the value of community service. There is a designated “Red Day” every year. On a red day, Associates take the day to volunteer in the community. They work to improve the place in which they live and work. These are only a few aspects that contribute to the brokerage culture. Their focus is on creating a sense of family. They do this while maintaining an environment where associates can grow and contribute.
Use of Technology
Another aspect of a Keller Williams campaign is marketing its use of advanced and beneficial technology platforms. This draws many agents in for a few different reasons. First, find the perfect POS. The utilization of advanced technology by the brokerage forces agents to learn how to effectively and efficiently use the technology. Clients appreciate advanced technology platforms that enhance and simplify the home buying or selling process—making more clients drawn to you and your team by using these platforms.
An example of one of these platforms is Brokerkit
Brokerkit is used in many Keller Williams recruiting strategies by team leaders and is often their Keller Williams website. They use this tool to grow their teams, not to mention it improves the retention rates of the associates on their teams. The platform also has built-in landing pages for lead capture. A KW team leader (who experienced wild success) collaborated with inventors to create this versatile platform. It helps to ensure the success of every other real estate team. Platforms like Brokerkit are only growing in popularity and frequency and especially when they can bring a Team Leader inbound recruiting leads using the landing pages of the Keller Williams recruiting website. At some point, you will need to learn how to use an advanced technology platform. Keller Williams’s recruiting tactics highlight that being on a real estate team would make learning easier, faster, and pain-free.
Emphasis on Training
No doubt joining a real estate team can have extensive benefits. This is where Keller Williams and Williams’s recruiting company has a leg up. They put their focus on the continued and constant education of associates. Emphasize your continued training, coaching, and improvement for your agents. It is of the utmost importance; if you ever hope to be a successful recruiter. When an agent is at their best and most profitable, so is their brand, so education, growth, coaching, and improvement as a real estate agent are held to the highest priority.
Keller Williams puts a significant focus on training professionals and education. In 2015, the company was rated the number one training and coaching organization in the world by Training Magazine. Industry leaders joke that their brokerage organization is genuinely a training and coaching company (and is only disguised as a real estate franchise).

Activities dictate results, not the market. When you have a strong foundation for your business and know how to operate as a real estate agent successfully, positive outcomes and success will come. That’s right, regardless of the market. Every Keller Williams r campaign shows off access to tools. These allow agents to have an unprecedented view of their business. This will enable them to pinpoint exactly what needs to be accomplished to increase production and profitability.
Team Leaders Take Adnagtage of School Me
Part of Keller Williams’ recruiting strategy is to give agents access to KWU. A training program that helps agents build and grow their business. It provides ample learning opportunities. Through this, agents can become true expert in real estate and their local market. They offer these courses online or in regional offices across America at Williams recruiting company.
Signature Training Events
Keller Williams’ recruiting website features many sold-out events. Agents from all across the United States and Canada gather to hear the most outstanding real estate coaches. Don’t forget the networking and bonding as associates. The seminars review the knowledge and tools necessary to boost productivity and profitability.
Masterminds. An event in which agents collaborate and gain wisdom, from top-producing agents and industry leaders, in an all-day brainstorming session. An additional signature event the company holds is called Mega Camp. Over seven thousand agents gather at this event every year. They hear the latest trends, insights, and skills needed to succeed as a real estate agent. At this event, agents can directly collaborate. Pick the brains of other agents from all over the United States and Canada. They also have the chance to learn from company leadership and numerous special guests. Potentially the most popular special event, though, is the Family Reunion. Over fifteen thousand associates of KW gather at this event and host more than one hundred fifty breakout training sessions every year by industry leaders.
When Keller Williams recruiting leads seek out prospects, expect they maximize marketing these events to potential recruits. They boast multiple opportunities to gain extensive knowledge and training from professionals; that agents may never have otherwise had access to. Agents will learn from their team leader and team members every day. However, promoting events like these for your agents who want the ability to push themselves is an excellent tool.
Long Term Success
Training, support, and guidance are what agents crave. They’re also must-haves because an agent wants to quickly gain the skills needed to continue to succeed in the real estate industry. Keller Williams, Williams recruiting company, and their site on the Keller Williams recruiting website make these the cornerstone of their pitch. Emphasize this in your message to recruits. “We give access to all the training, support, and guidance you could ever want or need.” Don’t forget to include information on specialties. What are their opportunities to stabilize their income and continue improving their agent skills?