When you’re working on growing your real estate business, you likely have a variety of areas of focus ranging from attracting new clients to expanding into key markets. These are essential components of any new business strategy. But what about growing your talent pool and recruiting real estate agents? Having the right players on your team is essential. Hiring the right people for your brokerage can mean the difference between an average year and even greater success. A great way to start the hiring process is with a real estate agent recruiting presentation.
How do the best real estate recruiters land top talent? It’s all about how you present yourself and, more importantly, your brokerage. Knowing how to sell and position your organization, technology tools, and growth opportunities within the real estate industry will make all the difference. Sharing this detail will help make an impact on some of the best agents in your market. If you can package all that information into a slick, easy-to-read real estate agent recruiting presentation, it will make the recruiting process even smoother.
Start by learning the basics of real estate agent hiring. Begin to think about the structure and content of your presentation. Finally, ensure all your real estate recruiting materials and messaging are in sync. With a real estate recruiting strategy, your presentation will be the introduction into what makes your brokerage successful.
Learning the Ins and Outs of Real Estate Recruitment
There’s a lot more to real estate recruiting than just hanging up a “We’re Hiring” sign. You’re certainly welcome to try that, but we don’t promise great results. The truth is, most agents are being consistently recruited to join a new brokerage. They’ve heard every pitch and been given every reason to leave their current team and jump ship somewhere else. If you’re going to recruit the best agents to your real estate team, you’ll have to think a bit more creatively.

Top real estate recruiters know how to speak an agent’s language. You want to communicate in a way that gets the message across while still giving space to make this big decision. Whether you’re sharing information about your brokerage at a happy hour or with your recruiting real estate agents presentation, be sure you’re sharing the information in a way that grabs their attention.
So, how do you keep your recruiting pitch from being white noise and share a message that connects? How do you identify the best way to recruit real estate agents?
Be Authentic
Do you hate feeling like you’re being sold to when you’re just trying to get some information? You’re not alone! The “sales” part of real estate recruiting can be exhausting for the agent. This person is trying to work through a big career decision, so be respectful of their time, be direct, and be yourself. In addition, leverage the right tools to convey the message for you. Incorporating social media into your real estate agent hiring process can make a big difference. This includes communicating with both younger agents and a diverse set of real estate professionals. Let them know what it’s really like to be a part of your brokerage. Share what they can expect from your company culture. Explain what they should consider on their path to deciding whether to switch agencies.
Recruit Agents at Every Level
There are benefits and drawbacks to hiring an experienced agent and hiring a new agent. Experienced agents likely bring a list of clients and a book of business, but they are more expensive to bring onto your team. New agents are cheaper and at times easier to train but need much more hands-on guidance and coaching. Young agents are trying to find the best brokerage for new agents and pick a spot to start their career. Experienced agents are looking for their next step and where best to grow their business. So how do you hire top talent? The best approach is to recruit from both pools and ensure you have a diverse talent team supporting your brokerage.
Explain the Real Estate Recruitment Process
How do you choose a brokerage to work for? How do you switch from one agency to another? These are questions running through the mind of any eligible candidate. Demonstrate that you’re prepared to be a good partner, by helping to coach the agent through the process. If you’re able to help manage their expectations of what recruitment will be like, they can feel more confident in the process and make a better decision. Explain how your hiring lifecycle works and how long it takes, detail what they can expect when they first come on board, and share the basics of being a part of your brokerage.
Building your Real Estate Agent Recruiting Presentation
Once you understand the basics of how to recruit top agents to your brokerage, you need to go through the steps of making sure you have the right tools in your toolbox to be an effective recruiter. One of the most important tools is a real estate agent recruiting presentation.
If you haven’t used a recruiting presentation in the past, do your homework and some simple research to find examples of strong presentations. Take a look at what other brokerages have created—Keller Williams and other similar brokerages are a good place to look—and draw inspiration from other industries as well. While we do recommend a particular format and outline, there is more than one way to create a great presentation.
Once you’ve gone through the process and created your recruiting presentation, you will have a nicely-branded, thoughtful deck that you can send to candidates and prospective recruits for review ahead of a meeting or to share with them in-person. You will be on your way to effective real estate marketing for recruitment. This presentation details everything from your approach to compensation to your thoughts around company culture. It is an essential component of your recruiting materials and is crucial to making your brokerage come across as professional, organized, and a great place to work.
Key elements of a top tier real estate recruiting presentation include:
Mission and Vision Statement – Identify Brand Value
Why did you start your brokerage in the first place? What were your goals? What was your vision for what your business would look like? Even if it’s been a while since you’ve thought through and answered those questions, it is good to revisit them as part of developing your real estate recruitment presentation. An effective mission statement doesn’t have to be flashy or grandiose. It can be as simple as stating you want to do great work for your clients and make a positive difference in their lives.
However you view your value, clearly state and identify this vision statement, and what makes your brand unique. How do you create value for your clients? What are your passions within the industry? By sharing this information simply and directly, you’ll attract the type of candidates that share your values.
Compensation Plan – Share What Your Brokerage Can Offer
While there are particular industry standards when it comes to compensation, many agents find that each brokerage can do things a little differently. As this is a crucial decision point for any agent seeking to make a change, it’s important that they clearly understand how compensation works on your team.
Dedicate an entire section to your real estate recruitment presentation to covering all the nitty-gritty of compensation. Cover commission structures, any commission caps and/or splits, and monthly fees. Experienced agents know the ropes and will appreciate you being upfront and direct about exactly how your compensation program is structured. Young agents will appreciate the level of detail you can provide so they understand exactly how much they have the opportunity to make.

Perks and Benefits – Share Any Extra Incentives
Connected to the compensation conversation is information around the perks and benefits of your brokerage. This includes everything from traditional benefits like insurance policies and retirement programs to company events and mentorship opportunities.
The perks and benefits section of your recruitment presentation will usually follow immediately after the section on your compensation plan. Paint a clear and detailed picture of exactly what you’re offering prospective agents when they join your team.
Coaching and Training – Outline What and How They’ll Expand Their Skill Set
Whether you’re hiring new or experienced agents, the top candidates will want to go to a brokerage where they can continue to learn and grow in their careers. Whatever your team can do to support those goals, share that as part of your recruiting presentation.
Anything from offering access to online training portals to hosting regular lunch-and-learns is a great way to promote the commitment of your brokerage to continued education. Mentorship programs with more experienced agents are also a big attraction to younger recruits. Include a section in your presentation solely dedicated to coaching and training opportunities.
Technology Tools – Detail How Tech Elevates Your Business
For any brokerage team, effectively leveraging industry technology tools is no longer a “nice to have” it’s a “can’t live without.” If you want to be able to recruit top agents to your team, you have to be able to prove you are going to provide them with the tools they need to succeed.
Prospective candidates will want to have a window into the technology tools at use within your organization. How do you use technology to strengthen the brokerage process? Do you have a CRM platform? Are there training programs in place for learning new tools and resources? Include detailed answers to these questions as part of your real estate agent recruiting presentation and feature your preferred tools prominently.
Keep in mind, a technology platform like Brokerkit can be key to recruiting and retaining agents. Schedule a demo here to learn more.
Company Culture – Establish What Makes Your Firm Unique
Does your office host weekly industry happy hours? Perhaps you boast an innovative open workspace? Maybe your annual office chili cookoff is the talk of the town? Whatever makes your brokerage unique, share that as part of your recruitment presentation.
Younger agents—especially Millennial and Gen Z candidates—want to feel connected to the culture of their workplace. This can be a big factor in convincing them to switch brokerages or join your firm. So whether your company culture is all about the business or dedicated to community involvement or focused on fun, share that information in your real estate recruiting presentation. Communicate to candidates and prospects what type of workplace you’ve created and are trying to foster.
Aligning your Real Estate Agent Recruiting Presentation to your Suite of Recruiting Materials
A clear, well-formatted real estate agent recruiting presentation is an essential component of your recruiting strategy and will make a positive first impression with any prospective candidate. However, it is just one piece of a suite of recruiting materials that will help pitch your brokerage to new agents. If your presentation sends a different message than your real estate recruiting videos or your real estate agent recruiting scripts, that can cause confusion and make your brokerage seem disorganized. Think through how to align your presentation with key materials:
Real Estate Recruiting Videos
Real estate recruiting videos are a great tool to create thoughtful, engaging content highlighting your brokerage. An easy way to ensure content consistency across your real estate recruiting presentation and recruiting real estate agents video is to match the major topics and areas of focus. Take the most pertinent sections of your presentation around technology, compensation, culture, and others and incorporate that material into your video.
Once you have your recruiting videos, they provide great content for real estate recruiting ads to send leads to your landing pages on a platform like Brokerkit. They are great also to add to your email campaigns from a tool like Brokerkit, as it will allow you to track clicks to see who watches your videos to see who are the most engaged hot prospects to follow up with.
Real Estate Agent Recruiting Scripts
In the same way as thinking about your recruiting video, outline the material in your real estate agent recruiting scripts to sync up with your presentation. Ensure what you’re saying in your scripts for recruiting calls or real estate agent hiring emails, is precisely in line with your presentation material to guarantee consistency across all messaging.
The best real estate recruiters use a variety of tools to be sure they are getting the right information in front of prospective new hires. However, it’s important that each of those tools is doing the best work for you, which means perfecting each part of your message. That includes your real estate recruiting presentation. So, make the content clear and concise, highlight the best and most important parts of your company culture, and be sure it does the work of selling what makes your brokerage special.
And, no matter what you do, don’t forget to run spell-check.