Please review some best practices as well as a list of updates that we have implemented since our last product update. All of these updates are live in our system now.
New Product Updates
Video Recorder
Today people are more connected than ever before, it’s important to stay on top of trends and changes. To help you meet these challenges, Brokerkit has just released our new built-in video recording feature when sending emails.
· Record New Videos
· Upload Existing Videos
· Manage Your Video Library
· Easily Send Videos by Email
With the use of images and video, all you need are some cans & cables to send your messages (or even better yet digitally).

MMS Texting
Isn’t he cute? We’re sure
your agents will love receiving images like this from you! Jokes aside, this
means that you can now increase the response rate to your text
campaigns by adding visual elements that will capture your recipients’ attention.

The Broker Growth Accelerator Podcast
Our new Podcast invites real estate brokers who’ve accelerated their growth rapidly by improving their agent recruiting and retention. They share valuable tips and actionable insights to ramp up your business. This Podcast aims to showcase the many actions, that allows for fast, easier, and guided brokerage growth and retention. Check out our first episode on Spotify/Apple Podcasts or in our Youtube channel here.

Best Practices:
If at first you don’t succeed…
If a prospective hire doesn’t open your touch 1 email that is highly researched and relevant, wait a few weeks and re-send it to them. Or try to send it somewhere else, such as a LinkedIn message.
Sometimes people just miss emails. You already did the hard part of researching,
so I’m not going to let that go to waste!
Everyone remembers a funny meeting!
Making a few jokes during meeting or interviews a great way to break the ice and ease the tension. Here are just a few examples. Remember, it’s all about the tone on these! When I call somebody back who I previously spoke with and they say they don’t remember me I always say “yeah that’s why I tell people I have a good therapist.”
Prospective real estate agents are people too. All because they go to work doesn’t mean they lose their sense of humor. Obviously, it won’t work for everybody, but it’s all about matching the tone.