Please review the list of the updates we have implemented since our last product update in April. All of these updates are live in our system now.
Our enhancements include:
Campaign Library
- A new feature was implemented in all accounts to house smart campaign templates in a Campaign Library
- Campaign templates in the library can be viewed and copied into the account
- 11 recruiting and retention campaign templates were included in the initial version of the Campaign Library
- The campaign library creates a way to distribute new campaign templates easily to all accounts
- Variables are used throughout the campaign templates as merge tags to merge in information to the messages to the contact
- Users should still customize the campaign templates once copied into their account to use brokerage/location-specific references and to make them sound like your voice to increase conversion rates
- See how it works here:

Capture MLSs for an account
- A new section was added into the Team Settings page to capture the MLSs for a given account and set one as primary for tracking purposes
- MLS office IDs can also be assigned to each MLS for the account
- The MLSs selected in the dropdowns will be used to associate recruiting leads and team member agent IDs with specific MLSs in the future to improve the ease in importing data for accounts who have team members who are members of multiple MLSs
- See how it works here:

Capture State in the Home and Office Addresses
- The State for a home and office address can now be imported from data sources which either have it the state within a single address row or separate state column for the home or office address
- Once the address is geocoded, the address will be stored in a separate field and will be included in a separate column in CSV exports
Making Additional Screens Mobile Responsive
- The left navigation menu screens were updated to be mobile responsive which means they can be viewed on a phone, tablet or computer and the screen will adjust to the screen resolution proportions
Capturing SMS Text Message Segments
- The SMS text message segment count is now captured in the Billing page for SMS messages which span multiple segments if the message is longer than the standard text length of 160 characters
- The segment count will be used to determine texting utilization for an account for usage-based billing plans
We Addressed These Bugs:
- License Number and License Expiration Date will not save in the user interface
- Campaign and bulk emails showing the status of Accepted
- Owner was set to current user if performing actions on team member in Retention with no Owner
- The landing page form disappeared in the Safari browser
- Referral date changing on lead update
- An inactive account capable of sending smart campaigns messages
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