Jerimiah Taylor here with Keller Williams here in Carmel Valley Del Mar. I want to talk to you team leaders about how you can recruit real estate agents using follow up systems. Our motto here at Carmel Valley is “Fortune is in the Follow Up!”
In the last couple of months, we’ve averaged 20 to 25 hires a month, because of our specific follow up systems. As I talked to team leaders, what I find so many times is they think they’re just going to go into BrokerMetrics, pull a list, get a referral, do a phenomenal needs analysis, and go for a powerful close.
Now, we would love to be able to recruit real estate agents that easily. We know there’s only one to two chances out of 10 where we’re able to close an agent on the first meeting. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to close hard to get the agent to sign right then and there because there are agents who will come in ready to sign.
Let’s specifically talk about new real estate agents or new licensees. Almost all of them should get signed the very first appointment. There’s no reason they need to go out and interview 10 other brokers. You already have the best models and systems. Now, with our cappers, megas, or higher producing agents it takes more follow up work with them.
In order to get higher producing agents to convert to your brokerage, you’ll have to consistently follow up using dedicated systems.
Here are the top real estate recruiting follow up systems we’ve used in the last year to hire over 30 high producing agents to our market center. In 2016, we hired over $289 million in new production to the Carmel Valley office. This is all because of our relentless recruiting follow up systems.
The most important thing to remember when it comes to real estate recruiting follow up is you need to remember what you talked about the last time you spoke. You need to remember when you’re supposed to call next, and you must follow up consistently. This is a long term game and you need to think about it like you’re taking listings.
For example, if you’re going door knocking to take listings, you wouldn’t knock on the door with the intention of convincing a new seller to sell their house. You wouldn’t present this new idea to someone who isn’t looking to sell saying we can sell your house because of the markets great right now.
What you would do is you would knock on enough doors to find somebody who was thinking about selling. When we recruit real estate agents, it’s the exact same process. We want to meet with enough agents to find the agents that are thinking about moving. Many times this is going to require a lot of follow up.
Sometimes you need to follow up with real estate agents a ridiculous amount before you even get the first appointment. There’s, even more, follow up after you get the first appointment.
My record so far is three and a half years and 65 follow up attempts to get an agent to join. Now if this real estate agent is over a $100 million producer then it’s worthwhile. Let me share with you how we use Brokerkit to orchestrate our lead follow up systems here in our office.
Here is a step-by-step guide, so you can create the exact same follow up systems we use to recruit real estate agents.
- Go to your Brokerkit today view dashboard
- Get your list of agents and load them all into Brokerkit’s backlog. The reason we add them to Brokerkit’s backlog and not into today is because it needs to be clean! Today needs to be clean and filled with real opportunities to join your market center.
- Once you have your list of agents loaded into backlog call through them. As you start contacting agents and having meaningful conversations, then it’s time to move them forward to set an appointment or an opportunity to follow up.
- After you’ve set an appointment with an agent that’s when you move them into today. Today is our intelligent view that shows you where you need to start today! Today ranks the most productive agents with the most recent follow updates.
The first thing I do is go into today to see if I have any new leads. So, if my agent sent me anybody new, if I uploaded somebody and I was waiting until morning to call that agent they would all be here in new leads.

As you can see I’ve already cleaned those out.
Now in my follow up, I’m going to click a name to view an agent and as I’m doing a follow up I have to leave phenomenal notes. The notes tell me what’s going to happen next. In the example below, you can see this agent is a lead. They were referred to me by somebody else and all I’ve done is left some phone messages. They have yet to call me back.

The magic of Brokerkit is you see how quick I can flip through these. I can see:
- What I’ve done
- Who I’ve followed up with
- What are the notes from when I got the referral
- Have I called them
- Have we met with them
You’ll see a lot of these have long strings of follow up. To view the agents who have actually joined our market center go to the ‘join’ status.

We can go through and see just how many follow up attempts are involved in getting these agents into the market center.

As you’re doing your recruiting follow up, you have to use the ‘today’ view. You want to follow up with agents every day. Stay on top of your feed and follow up even when they’re not answering the phone. Even if they’re not getting back to you. The agent will tell you if they don’t want you to call. That’s okay stop calling when they say they don’t want you to call, but until then stay on top of them! Get your free demo to see how Brokerkit can help you recruit real estate agents here.
In other news, we just returned from Inman and had a wonderful time! See Inman’s latest article on what you need to consider when recruiting new real estate agents here!