Please review the list of the updates we have implemented over the last month since our July product update. All of these updates are live in our system now.
Our enhancements include:
- Log event when a lead is subscribed to a campaign along with who performed the action
- Develop this training calendar
- SEO enhancements for landing pages to improve their indexing and rank status
- Automation around getting new credit cards using emails and pop up notifications when cards about to expire or are declined
- Multiple changes to improve the user interface on mobile devices
- Add help articles to the help center around how to troubleshoot deliverability issues for texts or emails
- Develop a help article here on how to push leads into the Brokerkit API via Zapier
- Enhanced logging on the backend for smart campaigns to better track any issues
Our Bug Fixes Include:
- Issue where scrolling was disabled on mobile devices after clicking a pop up
- Instances where outbound SMS texts were delivered, but not logged in lead profile for very large SMS text campaigns
- Add capacity to address slow performance under high load
- Address issue when applying Follow-up in Search Results didn’t remove the lead from the backlog
- Contact upload didn’t update the agent notes fields of old contacts for CSV imports
- The time zone incorrectly displayed on the smart campaign creation page
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