Ahhhh A day in the life of a real estate broker. Running a business means setting goals and expectations for your brokerage. I would imagine you’re in the game because you want your brokerage to grow with top talent and to continually produce revenue. How do you get that to happen and start thinking about how to recruit real estate agents? By setting goals to get you there with your recruitment process and leveraging the best real estate recruiting ideas. The objective of making sure your current real estate team is as productive as possible is very important, and necessary, for your brokerage to stay in business. However, it may be time to give thought to an often neglected area of revenue generation. Enter- recruiting real estate agents and real estate agent recruiting ideas. An answer to the question, how to successfully recruit real estate agents?
Agent recruiting and recruiting agents for real estate is typically overlooked, botched, or half-baked by brokers and can easily become their downfall. Being active in agent recruiting should be a top three priority and this includes practices like running recruiting real estate agents ads as well as free real estate recruiting tools. Thinking about recruiting for realtors and new talent? Practice consistency. Not only is agent recruiting an effective way to grow your brokerage, but also to increase revenue. The time for recruiting brand new real estate agents is now! If you are unsure where exactly you want to start in your tactical plan, or are looking for some new real estate recruiting ideas to incorporate, you have come to the right spot. Without further ado, let’s dive into some tips to improving your recruiting strategy and discover how to recruit top real estate agents.
Your Message for Effective Hiring
What do you have to say for yourself? Sorry if you read that in your mom’s voice, but it’s a question you’ll have to answer when you’re recruiting for realtors. Defining your brokerage’s mission, goals, and company culture is the first step to creating an effective recruitment campaign and real estate recruiting ads. This should be at the center of all your recruiting real estate agent ideas. Simply put, this is how brokerages recruit top agents. The last thing you want to do is send out material or a recruiting pitch that confuses a potential new agent on the intentions of your brokerage. Considering how to recruit agents for real estate? Get to the point. One of the best real estate agent recruiting tools is a clear, succinct message. You have a clear definition of your culture and your brokerage values and can decide on the brand you want to promote in your real estate agent recruiting ads. Let’s get cracking on building your recruitment campaign and rolling out your real estate agent recruiting ideas and real estate broker recruiting.

You have defined the experience of your brokerage as a tight-knit, Olive Garden, ‘we treat you like family’ group, then need to back that claim up as part of your brokerage recruitment. Incorporate the culture of the brokerage into recruiting materials and recruiting real estate agents tools. Be sure to include examples that demonstrate what you are advertising is proven and show that you know how to recruit new real estate agents. Promote the annual brokerage picnic you have for your agents every summer, flood your social media with happy hours, volunteer work, or make an office tour video where everyone gets to say fun facts about themselves. Yes, even Karen gets her 15 seconds of fame to spend talking about her 3 cats. When exploring how to recruit real estate agents, a personal touch can go a long way. Every claim you’re making about your brokerage should be supported in your recruitment campaign with evidence. One of the great ways to recruit real estate agents is to let your current team do the brokerage recruitment for you.
Potential new agents aren’t just going to take you at your word and especially if you are a new brokerage. Any accredited agent will do their homework on your brokerage, social media stalk you and come to their own conclusion. Will they find what you are preaching in your recruiting real estate ads is genuine, or that you’re just another snake oil salesman? Agents want to be shown that you do actually have a happy staff, a positive work environment, and that every agent is contributing towards common goals. Incorporating this messaging effectively is one of the best real estate agent recruiting tools.
After the focus and content of your recruitment campaign and recruiting real estate agents tools have been solidified, you now must make the decision on what real estate recruiting tools to use and how to present your materials to agents. There are countless options for real estate recruiting ideas and real estate agent recruiting ideas including outreach platforms, in-person, paid, organic, and virtual. So, let’s start thinking about where to recruit real estate agents.
Get your head in the right mindset for realtor recruitment and mentally prepare for all the nos. It’s a numbers game and it’s just business. Resilience is one of your best real estate recruiting tools and is simply a part of recruiting agents for real estate. They’re not saying “no” to you, they’re saying “no” to your company. Want to know the secret of the best agent recruiters and real estate recruiting ads? They’re fiends for feedback. Get the nitty-gritty on why they don’t want to join. Use the data you gather to adjust messaging for your next round and re-work recruiting real estate agent ideas and real estate broker recruiting.
If anyone is being honest, they will tell you that drip emails suck and they ignore the majority of emails they receive. That goes for brokerage recruitment emails as well. So the question is, how do you recruit new real estate agents and get a person’s attention with recruiting real estate ads when it is likely they will leave you unread, send you to spam, unsubscribe, or flat out delete without opening?
What are the best ways to recruit real estate agents? The best way to recruit real estate agents is to start by stating boldly, what your brokerage can bring to the table for a specific agent and what sets you apart in the local real estate market place. You can communicate this in writing or in your own voice with something like real estate recruiting videos on Youtube. When thinking about how to recruit agents for real estate, identify what that agent wants out of their brokerage and see if yours is able to make that accommodation. Maybe they think there is great value in agent training—include details about that in your real estate recruitment campaign. People want to know why a partnership with you, specifically, is better than where they currently hang their license or jumping ship to the big-box-broker around the corner. Independent brokerages starting out without a big brand behind them need to really hone in their value proposition. So, begin your realtor recruitment email or recruit real estate agents ad by stating exactly that. Being honest and direct is one of the great ways to recruit real estate agents. Realtors don’t have time for nonsense and could have been the creators of TLDR.
It is also one of the best real estate recruiting ideas to make the email or real estate recruitment campaign personal. While this may be a time-consuming task to incorporate in your recruiting real estate agents tools, it is sure to pay off in the long run. If you’re thinking about how to recruit real estate agents, especially the best agents, know that top candidates will be able to easily identify when they are reading a mass email, which they will likely ignore, versus a message that seems to be from you to them. Considering how to recruit top real estate agents? Make it personal. Use their name in the email, and include some work-related information you have found on them, or why you are interested in working with them. End every recruiting agents for real estate email with a call to action. What is it you want them to do? Call you, schedule a webinar, coffee? If you don’t give them a CTA, you may as well have just handed them a business card with nothing but a smiley face and ‘Have A Nice Day’ written on it. You may have the best real estate recruiting ideas, but your prospects have to be able to act on them.
Social Media Direct Messaging
Direct messaging on social media may seem like a very informal and non-effective method and real estate recruiting tool to use for realtor recruitment. In reality, it can easily produce wanted outcomes when you want to recruit real estate agents. Many agents that are active in the market today are present on social media. Most of them even consistently use social media for work-related purposes and have push notifications turned on for their mobile apps. When thinking about where to recruit real estate agents, social media platforms are especially great for connecting with younger agents. Due to this, it is not out of line to message someone on a social media outlet for work-related topics and is smart to use for real estate broker recruiting and recruiting real estate agent ideas.

When messaging an agent for recruiting purposes in recruiting real estate ads as one of your real estate broker recruiting tools, keep the message concise and to the point. No one appreciates a stranger sliding into their DMs and then having to read something that looks like an email. Let them know you’re recruiting agents to your real estate company, you were impressed with their page and you’d like to discuss what your brokerage can offer them, and while we’re using so many acronyms today, we can throw in a KISS- Keep it short & simple.
Agent recruitment content to recruit real estate agents you pay for, allows you to reach and engage with your intended audience quickly and directly. Instead of wondering if anyone is actually reading your blog posts or begging for social media likes to get your page seen by prospective agents, paid content, like recruiting real estate agents ads or promoted real estate recruiting videos, pushes your specific recruitment material towards them. Following the gold coin road can be very effective when trying to recruit agents quickly with real estate recruiting ads, but in the long run, it is not always one of the more cost-effective recruiting real estate agents ideas.
For example, say you paid $3,000 to release an ad that has agent recruitment content. The recruit real estate agents ad brings you five potential new agents that are interested in joining your brokerage. Procuring each of those agents cost you $600. A paid recruit real estate agents ad are useful, and guarantee you exposure, but it is not recommended to rely on them alone when recruiting agents to your real estate company. The best recruitment campaigns are a combination of multiple methods and tools, which will help you learn how to recruit agents for real estate. Paid advertising as part of a real estate recruitment campaign allows you to reach the most agents possible, and in turn recruit the most agents you can.
We don’t mean grass-fed, free-range, non-GMO recruiting strategies real estate agents. Organic recruitment techniques and real estate recruiting tools refer to strategies that focus on naturally spreading a positive message within the real estate profession. Not just peace and free love, but items like this blog post, for instance, boost your online presence separately from recruiting real estate agents ads. Organic content can maybe be the best way to recruit real estate agents and is especially beneficial to brokerages since agents want to know they are partnering with a reliable, community-oriented business. Organic advertising, whether it be for attracting clients or recruiting agents, does tend to require more creativity and commitment but is an essential part of the mix when talking real estate recruiting ideas. You’ll want to commit to putting in the work to hone these best methods for recruiting real estate agents.

Just as there is an app for every niche, there is a social network for it too—this includes networks for recruiting for real estate agents. Social media can be utilized in countless ways to recruit real estate agents, and is one of the most effective outlets for specifically recruiting millennial real estate agents. Young professionals, new and seasoned agents alike, are specifically looking for companies that are active on social media platforms making it important for real estate recruiting agents. It shows that a brokerage is capable of effectively using new technology to promote their business and their agents, and is one of the top ideas recruiting real estate agents. Wondering where to recruit real estate agents? At the bare minimum, when you are recruiting new real estate agents, it is one of the real estate recruiting best practices to leverage the below accounts:
Effective use of these platforms is one of the great ways to recruit real estate agents. To make sure these accounts are impressive to potential new agents, there needs to be constant posts relating to your brokerage, and the agents within it. This has become its own full-time job and one of the real estate agent recruiting tools for many large companies. What not to do? Keep posting listings. They’re agents, they have MLS access too they don’t need to see your listings clogging up their news feed. If you want to be effectively recruiting for realtors, try something creative like sharing information about an event you hosted or posting real estate recruiting videos.
Creating a Facebook group is just one way to start creating a positive social media presence that does not directly involve your brokerage accounts. Used effectively, it’s one of the more seamless recruiting ideas for real estate agents. A Facebook group is much different than a Facebook page, which your brokerage may already have. A Facebook group is a place where you and other members can post articles, videos, and other material that would be helpful to the members of the group. It is a common space where people can share advice, network, and where you can post recruiting materials intermittently. Using groups as a recruiting tool can be effective in your recruitment efforts if you are diligent about putting in the time and commitment they require to be successful. It is one of the lesser known but still effective recruiting strategies real estate agents.
You’re thinking, “um, organic real estate broker recruiting tools sound boring.” Well, surprise! I kept your interest in THIS one so far! Having organic tools like a well-maintained brokerage blog can promote your brand as a whole in addition to recruiting agents to your real estate company. It brings you, interested agents, and can be the best way to recruit real estate agents. Blogging can become time-consuming, but when you put in the necessary work, it will become a valuable asset to your brokerage. An effective blog can skyrocket your search engine optimization, and be a hub spot for new potential agents to gather information about your brokerage when recruiting for real estate agents.

It doesn’t have to be plain text. You can incorporate social media, video work, and pretty pictures into your blog as well. Post the articles you and your agents write to attract attention to your site and create more traffic for it while you are real estate recruiting for brokers. Using interactive media is one of the best recruiting real estate agents ideas. Video work is a tool that is growing in popularity every year and not only as a way to recruit more real estate agents. Video testimonials from current agents in your brokerage, as well as video content even as basic as an office tour, can be a very useful agent recruitment tool. Positive videos that show a great work environment are not only attractive to potential new agents but clients as well. When you peruse the internet for any given topic, aren’t you more likely to click a 30-60 second video? Your target audience for recruiting brand new real estate agents is too.
Face to Face
When you are recruiting new real estate agents, meeting them in person, in a relaxed setting, is one of the real estate recruiting best practices that every brokerage should utilize. A casual, in-person meeting is one of the best recruiting ideas for real estate agents. Face time in your local office helps you to decide if they are a good fit with your current staff, and alleviate the new agents’ anxiety. Relaxed gatherings and company events like these are an opportunity for you to truly show the culture of your brokerage, instead of just talking about it and are easily one of the best methods for recruiting real estate agents.
Happy Hour
Maybe schedule this for when Greg from accounting is out of office, since the last time he had too many martinis. But hosting a happy hour at your office is a perk for your current agents, and one of the top ideas recruiting real estate agents. New agents can come into the office and get a sense of what the community is like. They will be able to see current agents in your brokerage interacting with each other and gain a clear picture of the culture, relationships, and camaraderie—one of the easiest real estate broker recruiting tools. This gives the potential new agent a chance to talk to current agents and ask them questions in a more relaxed setting than a one on one, sit down, interview-style meeting when you are doing real estate recruiting for brokers. For real estate recruiting agents targeting younger candidates, the happy hour is particularly effective for recruiting millennial real estate agents. It also helps when thinking about how to recruit more real estate agents, since you can interact with several candidates—both younger candidates and experienced agents—at the same function.

If you’re wondering, how to successfully recruit real estate agents, it is important to not only speak about the culture of your brokerage but to show that a positive atmosphere truly does exist. Brand new agents who have just received their license, along with seasoned pros, can sense a toxic work environment. So, regardless of who you are attempting to recruit, and even if you’re not recruiting, who doesn’t love happy hour? It is one of the simpler—and more fun—recruiting ideas for real estate agents.
Lunch and Learn
Which actually for you, is a Starve and Teach. It doesn’t sound as catchy, but no one wants to see you talk with your mouth full. A lunch and learn is a more formal version of a happy hour style event to try when real estate recruiting for brokers and is one of our favorite recruiting real estate agents ideas. Invite potential new agents to lunch at the office or a nice place nearby when you are recruiting new real estate agents. This produces an environment where the focus topic is the brokerage and what it can offer new agents, but still in a relaxed setting. You are able to drive the conversation as you would in a formal meeting, but there is less pressure on newbies. What are the best ways to recruit real estate agents? Select a topic that keeps the group interested and engaged.
The future is now when recruiting for real estate agents. Using virtual tools creates and nurtures an interest in your brokerage and is one of the good ideas recruiting real estate agents. Agents may be apprehensive about your company and not feel confident enough to come to an in-person event just yet. Don’t make the mistake of assuming the agent has no interest in your brokerage, perhaps they’re just not comfy cozy going stag. Holding virtual meetings and activities allows agents to foster their interest until they are comfortable enough to attend an in-person event, and is one of the best ideas around how to recruit new real estate agents. You may find that young real estate agents are pretty comfortable going virtual and still making that personal connection. Virtual meetings are a great strategy to work into your real estate agent recruiting ads, especially if you are targeting young professionals and working on recruiting brand new real estate agents.
Webinars can be very useful in getting your message out to potential new agents including when you are recruiting millennial real estate agents. Use your Facebook group, social media accounts, blog, and email lists to invite agents to learn more about your brokerage. Even if no one actually attends the set webinar, record it, and send it to people who expressed interest in attending. Demonstrating thought leadership and providing a bit of coaching is one of the best ideas around for how to recruit top real estate agents. Webinars are an excellent device to spread your message to agents today including large groups of people from the comfort of your office. Be flexible with this tactic though. Try holding some webinars during business hours, and some after hours. Great agents have busy schedules and you may be more likely to get their attention if they are not at work. If you’re wondering how to successfully recruit real estate agents, keep things flexible.
Agent Recruiting is the Backbone of Your Brokerage
Being proactive in agent recruiting and as real estate recruiting agents is a goal on which your real estate brokerage should focus to achieve great things in the real estate industry. It can be a challenge recruiting the right agents who will succeed in their real estate careers, but it is the key to success for a broker in the real estate business. New recruits are necessary for your business to operate and generate revenue. Simply put, you need them and you need effective recruiting strategies real estate agents. So when it comes to a broker’s strategy for obtaining new real estate agents, your mantra should be ‘the only thing that stays the same, is everything changes’.
What are the best ways to recruit real estate agents? The answer, it depends! You should always be trying out real estate recruiting best practices such as new real estate recruiting ideas, the latest technology like real estate agent recruiting ads, and the implementation of new strategies to recruit more real estate agents. You never know what approach, or combination, will prove to be the most effective. You might even find an angle where something like direct mail works for you. The best methods for recruiting real estate agents are not one size fits all. Therefore, it is best to be creative and have an open mind when mapping out your recruitment campaign. If you ever feel like you have hit a wall with agent recruiting, there are helpful resources available to get you right back on track. The right time to start and find the right people is now!